A picture a day for a year

A friend of mine just finished a 365.  A picture a day for a year.  A very interesting and highly difficult endeavor.  Taking a picture a day for a year won’t be a problem for me, but getting it posted and on-line will certainly put me to the test.  Now I realize that today is January 3rd, so I am forgiving myself already for starting 2 days late.  I shot the pictures, but I guess the totality of the process didn’t kick in until about 2am this morning when I woke up and thought “You have to post them …duh!”

Family Photo taken in the Rochester Studio on New Years Day
The whole Fam Damily is together...let's take a picture!

This first image is the family on New Year’s Day at home in the Rochester studio.  I have lots of pictures of other peoples families but not enough of my own, so I decided to address the problem.  I really like this image.  It captures everyone quite nicely.

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